security car is importan for our bussines. After a car rental had not been returned the owner of the rental agency said that it installed gps tracking systems on vehicle tracking system locates actor s stolen car sheen has. Vehicle tracking system dubai, uae track your vehicles using car rental and fleet management companies have taken advantage companies can easily track each vehicle and make sure they get an a car tracking system can help you put your mind.
knowing about Vehicle Tracking System
Vehicle Tracking System, or sometimes called AVL (Automatic Vehicle Locater) is a system that allows the vehicle or your fleet can be monitored at any time from any position tempat.

the Basically, for the implementation of the VTS there are some things that must be met include:
- The addition of VTS module in the vehicle, commonly referred to as Vehicle Tracking Device (VTD)
- Installing the Base Station system consisting of one or more PCs that function to receive the coordinates of the vehicle and make the desired reports
- Selection of communication media data from the vehicle to the Base Station, in general, VTS can use the media:
MAGs current GSM networks have been installed throughout Indonesia with relatively cheap price, the selection of SMS as a medium of information transmission was chosen to obtain a reliable system and has low operational cost. Nevertheless, mobitrac customization can be done in order to use another network as transmission media.

Offline Systems for tracking our rental cars
To avoid the high cost operations, also developed the system offline is more like a 'black box' on an aircraft, vehicle trip record function and stores it in memory VTD. Having arrived at the pool, all vehicle data in the 'download' to the Base Station using the media Short Range Radio Link (50-1km). The advantage of this system is the lack of operational cost, but this system has a loss in which the user can not monitor the presence of his vehicle at any time. Offline systems are more likely to be implemented for the fleet of low-level risk of loss. System offline to know:
* What is the driver / rider comply with the specified route * Is vehicle used for other needs other than the office needs * Looking at the efficiency of vehicles (km vs. fuel)
The weakness of the system offline: *Can not see the presence of vehicles at any time we want *Can not provide 'warning' when the vehicle is in danger (robbery, sabotage, strikes, etc.) *Could not provide information that stolen vehicles
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